Zhao, et al. Cancer Letters 481 (2020) 15–23 (caption on next page) 20
r> C. Zhao, et al. Cancer Letters 481 (2020) 15–23 Fig. 5. The combination of Prodigiosin and 5-Fu inhibits the growth of HCT116 xenografts in nude mice. Nude mice bearing HCT116 xenograft tumors were treated with vehicle, prodigiosin alone (1 mg/kg), 5-Fu alone (30 mg/ kg), or a combination of prodigiosin and 5-Fu twice weekly through i.p. injection for 21 days after inocula- tion with cultured tumor cells. (A) Tumor images and tumor weights are shown.Onday21afterinoculation,the mice were sacrificed, and the tumor tissues were imaged, weighed, and de- tailed. Mean ± SD (n = 5); **, P < 0.01 versus control, prodigiosin or 5-Fu alone. (B) Tumor volume was recorded every three days after treat- ment. Mean ± SD (n = 5); **, P < 0.01 versus control, prodigiosin or 5-Fu alone.
(C) Body weight was recorded every three days during the 21 day of exposure. No sig- nificant differences were detected be- tween the vehicle and other groups: prodigiosin alone CORM-3, 5-Fu alone or com- bination of prodigiosin and 5-Fu. (D) Western blotting analyses for LC3B-II and SQSTM1 in the xenograft tumor tissues from the vehicle group (#1, 2, 5), 5-Fu-treated group (#7, 9, 10), prodigiosin-treatedgroup(#11,13,15) and combination-treated group (#17, 19,20).(E)H&Estainingforevaluating the histological morphology and im- munohistochemistry staining to detect c-caspase 3 and SQSTM1 levels. Scale bar = 50 μm. All the immunostaining experiments were repeated in three se- parate mouse tumor tissues and the most typical images are shown. Acquisition of data (provided animals and conducted western References blotting,qPCR,immunohistochemistryandotherexperiments.):S.Qiu, Y. Peng, H. Xu, C. Zhao. [1] R.L. Siegel, K.D. Miller, A. Jemal, Cancer statistics, Ca - Cancer J. Clin. 68 (2018) 7–30 2018. Analysis and interpretation of data (statistical analyses and [2] F.Bray,J.Ferlay,I.Soerjomataram,R.L.Siegel,L.A.Torre,A.Jemal,Globalcancer biostatistics): S. Qiu, Z. Feng, C. Zhao, H. Huang, Y. Zhou. statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: C. Zhao, Y. cancers in 185 countries, Ca - Cancer J.
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